New Traits and Characteristics
New Army Traits
Armies with the Mercenary trait cannot be fielded in their own right, it can only be taken as an ally for others. The
following rules apply to Mercenary armies.
- When a Mercenary army is taken as an ally, the parent army gains the ‘Inspiring Leader’ Army Trait. However, this
trait only applies to Mercenary allied commands. - Keils taken in a Mercenary army only count as 1 TUG for purpose of determining the the maximum TUGs for the
allied command size.
For example, Landsknecht Mercenaries can take 2 Keils and 1 Arquebusier as an allied command. his counts as 5 TUGs
but is permitted as a Mercenary ally.
Outskirts of Town
As the Defending Army, you must select a Town or Village as part of terrain selection. This
must be during the compulsary terrain step (where possible)
The Defending Army may then place its Camp in that Town or Village. This supercedes
normal Camp placement rules.
Sacred King
When the Army Commander of an army with this Trait is killed all TUGs in the army must take a KAB test, rather than those in 6BW.
Supporting practices, such as âapratihataâ where numerous infantry rank in order one behind the other.
In the End of Turn Phase, armies with the Multitudinous trait can recover wounds using the Rear Support mechanism. (ME20.B). The range for Rear Support with Multitudinous is 4BW.
For both, those claiming, and those providing Rear Support all of the following must apply –
- Be wholly in Good Going.
- Not be in a flank sector, even partially.
An army with Sakoku has the Domiciled Trait when fighting an army outside of âWarring Dragonsâ
Jinmaku is not mandatory and can only be used if all of the following apply –
- The army organisation structure is Professional
- The Army Commander is âfloatingâ
- Hatamoto are not fielded.
- Jinmaku combines both the Camp and the Army Commanderâs base, and rules for both apply with the following –
- Base dimensions for a Jinmaku is as for a minimum-sized Camp (3BW x 2BW)
- Jinmaku is deployed as per the Camp, in addition, it can be deployed up to 6BW away from the rear table edge.
- When in combat the Jinmaku is Superior and Protected..
- While the Jinmaku is deployed in Good Going, it has no maximum Command Range.
- Jinmaku can never be âwithâ a TUG, never granting a combat claim (even when fighting)
- If the Jinmaku is Sacked, the Army Commander is also killed.
When an army has this trait the Army Commander must be defined as either a Major DaimyĆ or a Minor DaimyĆ. Which leaders can be a Major DaimyĆ (typically the Clan leader, or other magnate of the Clan) are defined in the army list. Rules for the DaimyĆ armies are subdivided in the following date periods. Unless superseded by an army list, the following applies
Early Sengoku period (1494â1519)
Early Sengoku armies must have a Tribal organisation structure.
The Army Traits, Lead from the Front & Great Man are mandatory.
Later Sengoku period (1520â1567)
Major DaimyĆ
If the Army Commander is a Major DaimyĆ, the following apply –
The army organisation structure can only be Instinctive or Professional.
The Army Trait Great Man is mandatory.
If the army list specifies an Inspirational Icon, it is mandatory.
If the Major DaimyĆ is Professional
- If Hatamoto are fielded, any Inspirational Icon is with the Army Commander.
- If Hatamoto are not fielded, any Inspirational Icon is with the Camp, and the Army Commander must âfloatâ.
If the Major DaimyĆ is Instinctive
- Any Inspirational Icon is with the Army Commander
- The Army Commander is a Rash General.
Minor DaimyĆ
If the Army Commander is a Minor DaimyĆ, the following apply –
- The army organisation structure can only be Tribal.
- The Army Traits, Lead from the Front & Great Man are mandatory.
Azuchi-Momoyama period (1568â1615) Following Nobunagaâs entry to Kyoto
Major DaimyĆ
If the Army Commander is a Major DaimyĆ, the following apply –
- The army organisation structure can only be Instinctive or Professional.
- The Army Trait Inspiring Leader is mandatory.
- If the army list specifies an Inspirational Icon, it is mandatory.
If the Major DaimyĆ is Professional
- If Hatamoto are fielded, any Inspirational Icon is with the Army Commander.
- If Hatamoto are not fielded, any Inspirational Icon is with the Camp, and the Army Commander must âfloatâ.
If the Major DaimyĆ is Instinctive
- Any Inspirational Icon is with the Army Commander
Minor DaimyĆ
If the Army Commander is a Minor DaimyĆ, the following apply –
The army organisation structure can only be Instinctive or Professional.
- The Army Trait Great Man is mandatory.
- Any Inspirational Icon cannot be taken.
New Characteristics
Troops committed to a cause, prepared for battle, undaunted by casualties, but at the expense of discipline.
- TUGs who are originally 6 bases in size or less, take 2 more wounds than usual to break.
- TUGs who are originally more than 6 bases in size, take 4 more wounds than usual to break.
- Have implicit Impetuous.
Armour designed for Elephantry to enhance their survivability against small arms.
- TUGs with Shielded ignore âSâ CCC dice results when shot at.
Supporting Skirmishers
Deployment of specialised skirmishers to recklessly disrupt enemy advance (such as Tiger Men), or wholly integrated with their parent unit (Elephants with a large numbers of escorts).
- Supporting Skirmishers counts only in the charge phase. When a fighting file, is selected to fight – throw a BLACK dice in addition to their normal CCC dice.
- This BLACK dice is never modified by any combat claims.
- A Wound or âSâ rolled cause a wound as per normal.
- âSâ CCC dice results cause Shove or Shatter, if the fighting file has that ability.
date 13th Mar 2025 | Version – V1 |