
date 1st Nov 2024Version – V1.14

Renatio et Gloriam rule book

10.H Pre-Game Move (p40)


After all troops have been deployed, but before the first move is made the following pre-game moves can be made in the following sequence. Starting with the defender alternate making these moves. Each TUG can only make one type of pre-game move.

11.P5 Fighting Phase

Missing 11.SP5.6 section (P51) – add

Starting with the active player, make post-combat MF1 and MF2 prompted actions.

In the rule book you may cut out below and add under 5.5

The missing section has been added to the QRS 1.4 (available for download)



3. If allowed as a Prompted Action:

3. As Prompted Action interpenetrations (M2-M6 only):

Add to ME14.F.5
5.3 TUGs making an M14 Prompted Action.

ME17.C.4 (p121)

Troops Shooting Files are not forced to shoot; they may choose not to (which may be beneficial if an enemy hesitant ally is in range, or if you are hiding in ambush).

ME17.D.3 (p122)

Add the following clarifying words
Both front corners of Artillery file who has the ability to shoot, can draw an uninterrupted line to the same point on the target base going through bases of an OOT, if it is within 4BW of the shooting file

ME17.J.4.1 (2nd Bullet) (p131)


Where the majority (or an equal number) of Drive Back effect occurs to the target rear or flank the TUG does not move.

ME18.A.3.1 (p.134)

Replace (aligning with 11.G)
An army breaks immediately if it loses the lower of, more than ½ of its on-table or 9 TUGs.

An army breaks immediately if it loses the lower of, ½ or more of its on-table or 9 TUGs.

AP27.K Horse Lords (Page 187)


from the table at step PBS F.7.1 with

from the table after all terrain is placed (PBS 9.E)

AP30.X Horse (Page 229)

Replace 3rd bullet in blue box

Deployed 2 , 3 or 4 wide

Deploys 2 wide and 2 deep

AP30.Y Camelry (Page 229)

Replace 1st bullet in blue box

Horse TUGs are 4 bases in size

Camelry TUGs are 4 bases in size


AP28.18 Gulyay-gorod

Replace – The only move that can be made with Gulyay-gorod, is an M14 M13 block move.



Move General should be Green, which is correct in the definition of CM1 in the rule book

This has been corrected on the QRS (1.3) and can be downloaded on the REG site. I suggest that in the rule book you use a green highlighter to just fill in the box.


Block move should be Black ‘x’.

This has been corrected on the QRS and can be downloaded on the REG site. I suggest that in the rule book you use a black marker to just fill in the box.

General Claims

Fighting Phase

This line is not needed in the fighting phase table

This has been corrected on the QRS and can be downloaded on the REG site.

TUG fighting frontally with either Uphill (B) or Linear Obstacle (B).

The Linear Obstacle clause is erroneous and should be removed.

This has been corrected on the QRS and can be downloaded on the REG site. I suggest that in the rule book you use a correction pen (tippex) to remove this section of the clause.

Movement Distance Table

Dragoons are marked incorrectly unaffected by Difficult going. Replace with the following

This has been corrected on the QRS and can be downloaded on the REG site.

Europe’s Ruin

List 144. Parliament of England (Eastern Association)

In that allies section add Scottish Covenanters (England) – 1644 only

List 145. Parliament of England (The Earl of Essex)

In the army traits – add Trained Bands

The maximum of Militia Foot & Newly Raised Foot Regt & Foot Regt is 10. (not 4)

List 147. Parliament of England (Sir Thomas Fairfax)

Clipped text – add to last paragraph of notes

List 152. Parliament of England (Northern Association)

In that allies section add Parliament of England (Sir Thomas Fairfax) – 1644 only – Mounted only

List 152. Scottish Covenanters (England)

In that allies section add Parliament of England (Sir Thomas Fairfax) & Parliament of England (Northern Association)