ArmiesHelion 2024

Many Enemies, Much Honour next release

The next list set will is due for release in the next few weeks or so. This volume has 62 lists covering armies in the period of the Great Italian Wars. The section ‘Rough Wooing and Revolting Peasants’ covers Armies outside of Italy. The book also contains armies of the French Wars of Religion.

The List contents are as follows

Italian Wars Armies

The Italian Wars, were a series of conflicts that erupted in Italy as major European powers vied for dominance. The wars began in 1494 when King Charles VIII of France invaded Italy to claim the Kingdom of Naples. His invasion triggered a series of wars involving France, Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, England, and various Italian states, including the Papal States, Venice, and Milan. These wars were characterized by shifting alliances and a high degree of brutality.

One facet of the Italian Wars was the widespread use of mercenaries and alliances, which may or may not have been that successful! As such traits such Holy League and Mercenary will come into play

Lists will specify if it was part of one of the three Holy Leagues covered by this set. Alliance part of the Holy League cannot be ‘gifted’ CCC cards during gameplay, but they cannot be Hesitant or Suffer Desertion.

When an army is listed as Mercenary, it means that while it is following the restrictions on allies’ commands, the ‘parent army’ can gift cards to it, but it can still be Hesitant.

For Example A Milanese army in 1495 could have a Venetian Ally (as part of the League of Venice). In addition it can take Condotierri allies (Mercenary). If the Milanese had a Professional command structure it could gift CCC cards to the Condotierri (if they are reliable), but not the Venetians. However, the Venetians cannot be Hesitant!

Here is an example Italian Wars (Florence) list for you to peruse.

French Wars of Religion Armies

The French Wars of Religion were a series of civil wars in France, primarily between Catholics and Huguenots (French Protestants), fuelled by religious tension, political power struggles, and dynastic conflicts. The wars began in 1562 after the Massacre of Vassy, where Catholic forces killed Huguenots worshipping in a barn. This event ignited a series of wars marked by atrocities on both sides.

This period sees the last hurrah of the mounted knight and the development of the pistol-armed cuirassier. It also sees the establishment of the first true standing armies in Western Europe since the fall of the Roman Empire; the elite ‘vieux corps’ regiments of the French army date their founding to this era

Help out there is Tim O’Brien de Clare, whose book One Faith One Law One King, French Armies of the Wars of Religion is available from Helion here. If you are interested in this period, or just want to know more I highly recommend it.

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