Britcon 2024

A 3-day, 5 game 15mm Renatio et Gloriam Tournament
2024 ARMY restrictions: 10,000 Points. Any list from Europe’s Ruin, On the Dnieper, Ottoman, Habsburg Facing East or Central Asia dated 1580-1680.
TABLE SIZES: 180mm x 120mm tables (ish), being 45 Base Widths x 30 Base Widths.
DURATION : All games will be 3hrs 30 minutes.
LIST Checker : Alasdair Harley
Lists by August 1st please
Five games as follows:
Friday: Rolling start from 6pm (or sooner if you wish), last start 7:30pm. Last bound called around 11pm
Saturday: 9:30am – 13:00, 14:00-17:30
Sunday: 9:00am – 12:30, 13:15-16.45pm
The Friday night game is played until time is called unless both players agree otherwise.
“How do I enter?”
Use the online booking form. Your entry fee includes a grab-bag lunch on both days of the event, and a “Spend £10, get £5 off” voucher to use with any of our traders at the show