First off - thanks for the feedback Nick - alway helpful !
We have found that if using 60mm movement increments that knock back becomes too strong. The number of shooting dice remains the same at 3 per unit but movement for most units drops by one. So the likelihood of stopping a charge increases massively. Indeed in our ECW game not a single infantry charge managed to connect.
You are playing 28mm right? on a 60mm frontage (BW)
P&S move (and charge 2BW) , with 3 incoming shooting (on green) - 87% of 1 drive back, 50% or 2 and 8% of all 3
Given that you are mostly likely in chequerboard that is -1 drive back. So you have a 50% of getting 2 (in a vacuum) so in this case you would need a general with a red. If you are superior or drilled that is another -1. This is of course if you are charging 'fresh' enemy, if any have already lost a rank - then they are shooting on white.
In the games we have seen getting in with troops that need to get in has never been a problem. Getting in with average troops isn't so guaranteed. We so limited the potential dirvebacks to be maximum of the movement. But that would mean you woud always be able to get in with a general.
We also found that a yellow dice for Commander KAB tests was too strong. As sub commanders must be in contact to be of any use they quickly had to test on the unit becoming moribund. One side lost 3 cards to this. If you keep the commanders separate to avoid the risk they become pointless.
You are getting more cards to mitigate this. I would like generally have less cards ... but it seems better to have more at the start and less as the command and control breaks down. There is a 4 in 6 change of dropping a card , which is high through. I'll keep an eye out on this