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Author Topic: Allies  (Read 100 times)


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« on: January 27, 2025, 03:08:19 PM »
There has been some confusion on how allies are taken, specifically in the context with the Holy League from Many Enemies.

To reiterate, in the allies section, each line relates to a single specific cally

Example 1
Valois-Orléans France (Louis XII) - only 1513–1522

It means that if the main army dates from 1513-1522 a single French allied command (using the Valois-Orléans France (Louis XII) list) can be taken

Example 2
Holy League - League of Venice - 1494–1496

It means that if the main army dates from 1494–1496 a single allied command (taken from the lists in the Holy League - League of Venice section) can be taken

Example 3
Condottiere (up to 2 allied contingents)

This means - no date need to be specified - 2 separate Condottiere allied commands can be taken

Holy League.
Where an army is in a Holy League, Holy League allies can be taken (and benefit from not being hesitant). These 'Holy League' allies are specified as in example 2 above.

Trastámaran Spain (1st and 2nd Italian War)

has the following permitted allies -
  • Holy League - League of Venice - 1494–1496 (when allying with Kingdom of Naples up to 2 contingents can be taken)
  • Colonna - Papal States - 1503–1504
  • Landsknechts - when taken before 1503 only only one Keil can be used (may use Forlorn Hope Army Trait)
  • Condottiere (up to 2 allied contingents)

Between 1494–1496 it can have a single ally from the following list

1. Holy Roman Empire - Maximilian I (Habsburgs in Italy)
2. Duchy of Milan
3. Republic of Florence
4. Papal States
5. Republic of Venice
6. Kingdom of Naples

As a note, its could take 2 Neopolitan allies as specified.

Between 1503–1504 it can take Papal States ally.  While the Papal States is in all the Holy League list sections, because its on a specific line it it not part of a Holy League at that point

Example 4
A Trastámaran Spain (1st and 2nd Italian War) list dated 1495 takes a Papal States ally from the Holy League - League of Venice section. This ally cannot be hesitant.

Example 5
A Trastámaran Spain (1st and 2nd Italian War) list dated 1503 takes a Papal States ally from 'own line'. This ally can be hesitant.


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Re: Allies
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2025, 04:11:01 PM »
Excellent clarification