Hi Team,
MeG player now dabbling in the Italian Wars w/ ReG.
To confirm WRT Skirmisher:
-Troop type
-Evade type
- Order = close/ loose/ open
- shooting penalty by = only if OOT
- shooting penalty at = only if tgt is OOT
- is OOT only when in Open Order
- movement = depends on order = C/ L/ O
- Arty cannot shoot thru skirmishers in any order to hit more dense targets behind them e.g. kiel
- no other penalties or benefits from being “skirmisher” formation/type
E.g. Italian Arquebusier Sk fmn/type in loose order
- have the benefit of loose foot movement,
- do not suffer the “shooting by OOTs” penalty when firing,
- do not incur the “shooting at OOTs . . .” when shooting at OOTs b/c the Arquebus only has a “deadly range”
So what did I miss??
Many thanks.